Oakville Housing Market Report | October 2022 Real Estate Trends & Stats

Oakville, Ontario Real Estate Trends
Real Estate Housing Market Report for October 2022
Current Oakville MLS® stats indicate an average house price of $1,536,842 and 742 new listings in the last 28 days. As of today, Oakville housing data shows median days on market for a home is 21 days. See below for Average Time On Market, Average Price for home in Oakville, Number of New Listings in Oakville and Number of House Listings Sold in Oakville.

Oakville Real Estate Housing Inventory – October 2022
Check out the Oakville real estate “Hot Sheet” which details Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly changes to Oakville real estate trends. As well, a more detailed look into the average prices of homes in Oakville are detailed below:

About this Oakville Real Estate Market Housing Report
FindlayRealEstate.ca real estate market trends gives you an up-to-date look at the Oakville housing market. We’ve made real estate data like average house prices, housing inventory, and days on market readily available to you. The home price data we report is consistently refreshed, with the most recent coverage between September 04 – October 02. The report also includes percentages that represent the year-over-year change from the same period in 2021. Along with all these real estate statistics is a ranking of every city in the Greater Toronto area based on their home sold price, price growth, days on market, and turnover. This way, you get to see the Oakville housing market on a wider scale, and how it compares to other cities in the metro area. This market report was designed to give you new insights on both the Oakville real estate market and the Greater Toronto area so that you have a better idea of where you want to live. In addition to our market report, consider reviewing other MLS® stats, like the MLS® Home Price Index, to get a better perspective of the market.
Numbers are based on firm contract dates, not when the transaction is reported or when the contract closes.
A contract is firm when both the home seller and buyer agree to the transaction, however this may not be reported in a timely fashion. Therefore, transaction reported dates are when the agent submits the sale to their local board. A contract is closed when the transaction actually occurs and the buyers move into the house. Normally, contracts close about 6-8 weeks after a contract is firm, which means the data you’re seeing is reported in real-time.
Oakville Housing Real Estate Data is reported in 4 or 8 week periods.
28 and 56 day periods are used because some months have more weekends than others. This ensures that each period has the same amount of days and weekends so that a like-for-like comparison can be made.
What does pro-rated data mean?
Based on historical reporting, it can take up to four weeks or more for transactions to be reported. This means that approximately 30% of home transactions that occured within this period have yet to be included in this report. Because of this, this period’s numbers are considered “pro-rated.”
For More Information About Toronto, Oakville or GTA Real Estate Statistics
If you’re looking for a more in-depth matrix of these statistics, please contact Realtor Sean Findlay
If you are looking to purchase or sell your home contact us using the form below.

Sean Findlay – Professional Realtor | Sales Representative | Digital Marketing SEO Real Estate Specialist
Proudly Buying & Selling Real Estate in Toronto, GTA, Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Stoney Creek, Hamilton, Grimsby & Niagara
CENTURY 21 Millennium Inc., Brokerage *
Office Phone Number: 905-450-8300 or Toll Free:1-888-450-8301 | Fax: 905-450-6736
Toronto Real Estate Office Located: 181 Queen St East, Brampton, ON, L6W 3A8 ( (by Appointment Only)
Stoney Creek Real Estate Office Located: 280 Barton St, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2K6 (by Appointment Only)